How many times do you re-apply your lipstick or liner in one day? Check out these options for fuller, more naturally appealing lips that don’t fade during a meal, a swim, or even when you sleep.

Book your lip consultation today.

Lip Liner:

If you feel like your lips need more definition but you’re not interested in full lip color, then Lip Liner is the perfect procedure for you! This procedure will give shape to your lips while maintaining a natural appearance.

Lip Fade:

A Lip Fade is an ombré procedure that creates natural fullness and definition to the lips using the client’s desired color. A fading technique is performed as the pigment is tattooed in the outer portion of the lips and will transition to the client’s natural lip color towards the inner part of the lips.

Full Lip Color:

The Full Lip Color procedure is exactly what the title implies! This procedure is a fantastic way to add the illusion of natural fullness to the lip while providing shape and definition in whatever color you want. So whether you want a shade of some colorful tint or simply enhance your lips’ natural pigment, the Full Lip Color is the procedure for you.

Lip Procedure Aftercare

Throughout the Primary Healing Process (7-10 days):

  • WKeep lip area clean and well lubricated with Vaseline, A&D Ointment, or Aquaphor EVERY DAY.
  • WDo NOT vigorously scrub skin when washing
  • WDo NOT use Neosporin (it will draw out pigment and ruin coloration)
  • WDo NOT scratch or pick at scabs (it will draw out pigment and ruin coloration)
  • WDo NOT apply makeup on or around the lip area

After the Procedure (Day 1):

  • WDo not eat or drink for at least 3 hours following the procedure
  • WUse an ice pack at 15-minute intervals as needed to help reduce swelling
  • WUse sterile swabs, cotton, or tissue and blot the area to reduce and remove lymph

After the Procedure (Days 2-3):

  • WAfter eating, rinse mouth with mouth wash
  • WUse straws when drinking
  • WDo NOT consume spicy or salty foods or hot drinks

Preparing for Your Lip Appointment

Prior to your procedure, avoid these products and medications for at least 7 days:

  • WBlood thinners such as Coumadin
  • WAspirin
  • WIbuprofen
  • WFish oils
  • WVitamin E
  • WNo alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours
  • WNo judgment-altering drugs for at least 24 hours
A 2-week waiting period is required for those who have undergone the following:
  • WBotox, Dysport, or other fillers
  • WRecently tanned or sunburned skin
  • WRetinol, glycolic acids, or peels on treated areas

Other guidelines to keep in mind:

  • WDo not tweeze, wax, or tint any areas being treated for at least 48 hours prior to your appointment.
  • WInform your technician of any skin conditions, health issues, allergies, etc.
  • WPlease start a lip scrub routine once a day for 3 days before your appointment; this will prevent rough textures from impeding the process. Then, use Vaseline regularly in the days before your procedure to maintain smoothness.

Lip Healing From Start to Finish

Day 1: Lips are swollen and tender; they will appear to have thick, heavy lipstick applied with a reddish brick-like color effect. 

Day 2: Lips experience slight swelling, redness, and tenderness. You may taste copper; this is normal.

Day 3: Lips will have minor swelling and a more sore, hot feeling than sharp tenderness compared to days prior. They may be thicker in texture with an orange-ish color effect.

Day 4: Lip exfoliation will begin, making your lips very chapped. 

Day 5: Your lips will be very chapped but almost finished with the first chapping stage (do NOT pick!!!)

Day 6: Your lips will start to soften and bloom rich in color.

Days 7 through 13: Your lip color will disappear into an ashy stage as the 2nd chapping starts, leaving a whitish-grey haze on your skin (do NOT pick!!!)

Days 14 through 20: Your lip color will emerge day by day as chapping falls away; you must continue to apply lubricated healing ointments.

Day 21 (3-week mark): The healing stages are over! Your lips will have the majority of the color back, though you might notice some uneven spots. Use lip balms and moisturizers daily to ensure your lips bloom into their new fuller color!

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Please note that any no-shows will be charged 100% of the service. You may use this credit towards your next appointment booked. Thank you!